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Xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg Download

Mac OS系统版本与XCode版本的关系 注:以下有些地址都已不能下载了,放在这里主要为了研究 Max OS与XCode版本的对应关系。 如果想下载Xcode,可以在苹果网站上注册一个开发者帐. Jul 27, 2010  This will take you to the 'Downloads for Apple Developers' page. In the search filter field on the left side of the screen enter 'Snow Leopard' and press enter. This will list the Snow Leopard-specific releases of the developer tools. All the downloads are in the.

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Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/ios-toolchain-based-on-clang-for-linux

The purpose of this repo is just to hold the instructions for using this tool. However an updated version of this tool can be found at https://github.com/Tidal-Loop/linux-ios-toolchain


  1. Compiler: Clang/LLVM
  2. Assembler: cctools-855 and ld64-236.3 ported from Apple opensource to linux.
  3. Debugger: GDB 1822 from Apple opensource.
  4. iPhoneOS SDK: iOS 4.x/5.x/6.x SDK directly from xcode.

Utilities: iphonesdk-utils with Projects templates, localization tool, xcodeproj convertor and more.


  1. Same components as Xcode 4.5
  2. Support iOS4.x, iOS5.x, iOS6.x
  3. Support armv6, armv7, armv7s for iOS4/iOS5/iOS6.
  4. Support Objective C ARC and Blocks.
  5. Support Fat Mach-O binary.
  6. Test with A lot of codes include RestKit, gdb-1822, etc.

Installation Guide

NOTE: storyboard and xib files can not be compiled by this toolchain, since the format of these files is closed and undocumented, only nibtool shipped with xcode can handle these files and we had no chance to port it.

Clang for linux provides an almost full implementation for Objective C 2.0 includes blocks and other features gcc doesn't support.

New version of xcode also use clang as its compiler:

This URL shows the opensource components used in Xcode 4.5, Almost everything missing in linux had been ported and we got a Non-UI copy of Xcode toolchain for linux now.This is the URL for opensource components used in Xcode 7 => http://opensource.apple.com/release/developer-tools-70/###Here is an tutorial of 'How to setup iOS toolchain for linux'.

All these components shoule be easily port to Windows with cygwin except re-write some platform related functions. waiting for volunteers.

Actually, the iOS toolchain under linux is as same and simple as other crosscompile toolchain for embeded devices. It should include these components:

  1. Assembler and Linker: cctools and ld64 from apple opensource.
  2. Compiler: Clang/LLVM
  3. SDK, include headers and libraries.
  4. Utilities: such as ldid codesign tool.
  5. Debugger: gdb/dsymutil.
  6. Documents: API reference and related documents.You also need an iOS device jailbreaked and with ssh installed for debug purposes.

By the way, the default ssh password is alpine .

Before we start, you need a workable C/C++ compiler installed.####Step 1: The compiler

Here you will find it all.This article is perfect for anyone who’s looking for Mac OS X El Capitan ISO or DMG files. Mac OS X El Capitan features. But don’t worry. https://ficoedene.tistory.com/9. No wonder, we are here to looking forward to downloading Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11 ISO and DMG files.Well, I know you’ve been looking for a while.

Clang/llvm >= 3.2 is highly recommended and tested.

If you want to build clang/llvm from scratch, Please refer to Clang-LLVM-build.md to build a svn version for your linux distribution.

If your distribution already provides clang/llvm packages,make sure it is 3.2 release or above. Lower version may work but isn't tested.

for Ubuntu 13.04 users, clang/llvm already provided in repos, please run:

$sudo apt-get install gcc g++ clang libclang-dev uuid-dev libssl-dev libpng12-dev libicu-dev bison flex libsqlite3-dev

to install some dev packages, other dev packages related to llvm/llvm-dev should be installed automatically.

####Step 2: The assembler and linker

The cctools-855 and ld64-236.3 had been ported from Apple opensource to linux. the porting process is a little bit complicated, also with a lot of codes modified for linux, let's just skip it.

please check out the codes from: /cctools-porting

You can get the latest version of cctools here: https://github.com/tpoechtrager/cctools-port

Build it: $./cctools-ld64.sh $cd cctools-855-ld64-236.3 $./configure --target=arm-apple-darwin11 --prefix=/usr $make $make install

For Ubuntu 13.04, since the clang/llvm 3.2 package use a customized libraries/headers path. please setup CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS first before run configure.

####Step 3: iPhone OS SDK


If you want to do this totally under linux, you may need these tools installed.

dmg2img can be downloaded from: http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/

xar can be downloaded from: https://code.google.com/p/xar/ Fallout nv mantis king crit dmg max level 8.

The old iPhone SDK with ARC support extracted from xcode had been provided in Download Sections. You can directly download it and extract it to /usr/share

For iOS 4.2: https://ios-toolchain-based-on-clang-for-linux.googlecode.com/files/iPhoneOS4.2.sdk.tar.xz

For iOS 5.0: https://ios-toolchain-based-on-clang-for-linux.googlecode.com/files/iPhoneOS5.0.sdk.tar.xz

For iOS 6.0: https://ios-toolchain-based-on-clang-for-linux.googlecode.com/files/iPhoneOS6.0.sdk.tar.xz

The following is for 5.0 sdk from 'xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg' , which is almost same with 4.x/6.x sdk and other version of xcode.

#####1. Extract iPhoneSDK pkg from xcode-xxx.img

Download the xcode-xxx.dmg with iOS sdk from Apple.

Under Mac OSX, click the xcode img will mount it automaticallly, usually it is mounted under /Volumes/Xcode/, enter /Volumes/Xcode/Packages and find iPhoneSDK5_0.pkg for ios 5 or other versions according to your iOS version.

Under Linux, you will need dmg2img to manipulate the Xcode img:

1, Get the partition $dmg2img -p xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg

You will get

Find the line contains 'Apple HFS', it is partition 5 for this dmg, and run below command to convert it to loopback img.

$dmg2img -p 5 xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg

After it finished, you will get a img named 'xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.img'.

Mount it: $sudo modprobe hfsplus $sudo mount -o loop -t hfsplus xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.img /mnt $cd /mnt/Packages.

You will find a lot of '.pkg' files in this dir, we need:

iPhoneSDK5_0.pkg : this is iOS SDK.

iPhoneSDKTools.pkg : this pkg contains libarc_iphoneos.a, it is needed by clang with '-fobjc-arc' flag to enable ARC support of Objective-C.

DeveloperDiskImage5_0.pkg : this pkg contains debugserver for iOS, it will be used when you setup debugserver in Step 5.

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Xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg Download Windows 7

#####2. Extract files for iPhoneOS SDK

For SDK,

For ARC support

####Step 4: The utilities

iphonesdk-utils is a utility collection for iOS development, provides below utilities:

NOTE: (Some of them are collected from internet with some modifications.)

  1. ldid : codesign tool, with armv7/armv7s support and other changes from orig version. it will be involked by ld64 after link complete.
  2. ios-clang-wrapper : automatically find SDK and construct proper compilation args.
  3. ios-switchsdk : switch sdk when multiple version of SDK exist.
  4. ios-pngcrush: png crush/de-crush tool, like Apple's pngcrush.
  5. ios-createProject : project templates
  6. ios-genLocalization : iOS app localization tool based on clang lexer.
  7. ios-plutil : plist compiler/decompiler.
  8. ios-xcbuild : convert xcode project to makefile, build xcode project directly under linux.Download the source tarball from: https://ios-toolchain-based-on-clang-for-linux.googlecode.com/files/iphonesdk-utils-2.0.tar.gz

Build and install it: $./configure --prefix=/usr $make $make install

####Step 5: Debugger

Since we don't have an iOS emulator under linux, we have to use physical device to debug our iOS apps. so we need a debugserver installed into iOS device and a native gdb.

If you are so sure about the quality of your codes, this step can be just ignored:-D

NOTE: This may only work on a jail broken iPhone#####1. Install debugserver

There are old version debugserver (extracted from xcode)provided in Download Section:

For iOS 5.x: https://ios-toolchain-based-on-clang-for-linux.googlecode.com/files/debugserver-for-ios-5.x.tar.xz

For iOS 6.x: https://ios-toolchain-based-on-clang-for-linux.googlecode.com/files/debugserver-for-ios-6.x.tar.xz

You can directly download it according to your device and extract it.

For other versions, please follow these steps in /debug-server.md to extract debugserver.

After extraction, upload 'Developer' dir to the root of iOS device. $scp -r ~/Developer root@<your iphone IP>:/

And ssh to your iOS device and try it.$ssh <Your iPhone IP> -l root $/Developer/usr/bin/debugserver 1000 /Applications/<Some>.app/<Some binary>

#####2. Install gdb 1822

I had ported gdb-1822 from opendarwin to linux.

A package include opencflite/maloader/gdb-1822/dsymutil(copied from macosx) had been provided to make it build and install easily.

Most of the time I use this combo as my TP gank pattern, when I'm in semi-close range to - say - enemy ADC, or when I went for auto trade in lane (they went for trade instead of running away) and then saw enemy jungler far from mid. Lux full dmg fast combo 3. Also, it's not highest DPS (for that you want to detonate E ASAP, for cooldown), it's shortest time combo for full single rotation. This combo is near-impossible to pull out if you're outside auto range.Worst case in lane I've seen is enemy burning escape spell (flash) to avoid Q - that blows the combo, but it's 180 mana for flash, definitely good trade. The combo I've seen many players do in my games is usually from the fog of war, by pinking or sweeping a brush and then warding the surroundings.

Download from:

Extract and build/install it: $make $make install It will install arm-apple-darwin11-gdb/dsymutil to /usr/bin and some libraries to /usr/lib

Xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg Download Free

####Step 6: API reference. (Optional)

Download API reference from:

Extract it:

Test toolchain

I tested this toolchain with many opensource iOS projects, you can use RestKit, json-framework, fmdb or sample codes directly from API reference.

(NOTE, A lot of sampel code in API Reference from Apple use xib and storyboard, these files can not be converted to binary format, so it may be built but can not run directly in iOS device.)

Here provides an example of RestKit:

Download RestKit from: https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit

Prepare a iOS 6.x sdk, since the latest RestKit need some API only in iOS 6.x.

You may need to switch to 6.0 SDK $ios-switchsdk

then enter RestKit dir $ios-xcbuild RestKit.xcodeproj $make

or directly build it $ios-xcbuild -b RestKit.xcodeproj

You will get the final result (headers and librestkit.a) in './xcbuild' directory.

Build an iOS App.

Despite the name, there are no Guard Crushes/Guard Breaks in Guilty Gear. The Guard Gauge will rise each time an attack is blocked using basic block or Instant Block. Using Faultless Defense or Slashback will prevent the Guard Gauge from increasing. Getting hit will lower the Guard Gauge. The lower it gets, the less damage each attack will do. Guilty gear xrd why do i take more dmg in mac. Go to the nvidia/ati control panel and make a quality or performance preset for guilty gear. Also check to make sure the game is using the right video card, i've heard on some systems the game will default to the 'economy' graphics card. These alone will help more current systems to. Guilty Gear combos have a lot of freedom, but they also include various ways to prevent infinite combos. The designers have various safeguards in place that make longer combos much more difficult to do and prevent loops. This requires players to gain a deeper understanding of the combo system in order to maximize their damage.

#####1. Create projectRun ios-createProject $ios-createProject

You will get below messages:

Input 0 and the Project name 'HelloWorld' to create a helloworld App.

#####2. Build & install App$cd HelloWorld $make $make install IPHONE_IP=<your own device IP>

If you want to build a multi-arch FAT mach-o binary, add multiple -arch armv(n) to CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS in Makefile. armv(n) means armv6/armv7/armv7s.

For iOS 4.x/5.x, armv6 armv7 can be used. For iOS 6.x, armv7/armv7s can be used. (armv6 droped in iOS 6.x)

#####3. Debug AppRemove -g0 from the CFLAGS in Makefile if it exists.

Add -g to the CFLAGS in Makefile and recompile your project.

and run: $cd <binary>.app $dsymutil -o <binary>.dSYM <binary> it will generate a '<binary>.dSYM' directory.

Upload the bundle to your iOS device and also cp to the same path of SDK dir.

for example, if your project is named 'Hello.app', you should upload it to /Applications of your iOS device and also cp it to /Applications.

in iOS device, run

It will launch debugserver, open port 1000 and waiting for a connection.

in Linux, run $arm-apple-darwin11-gdb

when (gdb) prompt appear, enter (gdb)file /usr/share/iPhoneOS5.0.sdk/Applications/Hello.app/Hello (gdb)target remote-macosx <Your iPhone IP>:1000

#####4. Localize AppRun ios-genLocalization in Project folder. $ios-genLocalization

Please choose which language your App want to support, it will generate the related plist files. translate them and re-install your App to iOS device.

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